Top 13 AngularJs Interview Question and Answer for 1 Yr Experienced

AngularJS is the most popular, open-source, structural JavaScript-based framework, developed by Google, that was mainly built for developing large-scale, enterprise-level, dynamic, single-page web applications by extending the HTML syntax and following the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. AngularJS is used for creating easily maintainable, responsive, and cross-browser-compatible enterprise-level web applications. It was developed in 2009 by 2 developers Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons and is currently being maintained by Google. The latest stable version of AngularJS is v1.8.2 / 21 as of October 2020. Since AngularJS is completely free and provides the option to focus on developing client-side logic in a cleaner way, it has been adopted by thousands of developers worldwide for developing web applications.

In almost every interview, you will have to struggle with fierce competition to achieve high and get your dream job. Hence, you should prepare yourself well in advance.

Top AngularJs Interview Questions

To support you in this journey, we’ve drawn a list of the most frequently asked AngularJS interview questions along with the answers which your interviewer expects at the time of the interview.

1. What is AngularJS, and how does it differ from other JavaScript frameworks?

   AngularJS is a powerful front-end JavaScript framework developed by Google to build dynamic, single-page web applications. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates the application's logic, data, and presentation layers. This separation enhances code maintainability and allows developers to work collaboratively.

   One of the significant differences that sets AngularJS apart from other JavaScript frameworks is its two-way data binding. This feature allows automatic synchronization of data between the model (data) and the view (user interface). When the data in the model changes, the corresponding view is updated, and vice versa, reducing the need for manual DOM manipulation.

   Additionally, AngularJS provides a robust set of tools, directives, and services, making it a comprehensive solution for building complex and feature-rich web applications.

2. Explain the key features of AngularJS that make it a popular choice for web development.

   AngularJS boasts several key features that contribute to its popularity:

   a. Data Binding: Two-way data binding allows seamless synchronization between the model and the view, reducing the developer's burden of updating the view manually.

   b. Directives: AngularJS uses directives, such as ng-app, ng-controller, and ng-repeat, to extend HTML syntax and add custom behavior to elements. Directives play a crucial role in creating dynamic web applications.

   c. Dependency Injection: AngularJS follows the Dependency Injection (DI) design pattern, making it easy to manage and inject dependencies into components. DI promotes modularity, testability, and code reusability.

   d. Modularization: AngularJS applications are divided into smaller, manageable modules, encouraging a well-structured and organized codebase.

   e. Routing: The ngRoute module provides client-side routing, enabling developers to create single-page applications with multiple views.

   f. Templating: AngularJS's powerful templating engine simplifies rendering data into HTML, making it easy to display dynamic content.

3. Describe the architecture of an AngularJS application and the role of modules, controllers, and services.

   The architecture of an AngularJS application revolves around the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern:

   a. Modules: Modules in AngularJS are containers that hold related components like controllers, services, directives, etc. They help organize the application and promote code reusability.

   b. Controllers: Controllers are responsible for defining the application's behavior. They interact with the model (data) and manipulate it as required. Controllers also provide data and functions to be displayed in the view.

   c. Services: Services are reusable components that hold business logic and data. They provide functionality that can be shared across different parts of the application, ensuring a modular and maintainable codebase.

4. What are directives in AngularJS? Provide some examples of built-in and custom directives.

   Directives are markers on DOM elements that tell AngularJS to attach specific behavior to them. They are a core feature of AngularJS, enabling developers to extend the functionality of HTML elements.

   a. Built-in Directives: AngularJS provides several built-in directives, such as:

      - ng-model: Binds an input element's value to a property in the model, facilitating two-way data binding.

      - ng-if: Conditionally renders elements based on an expression's truthiness.

      - ng-repeat: Iterates over a collection and generates DOM elements for each item in the collection.

   b. Custom Directives: Developers can create custom directives to encapsulate specific behavior and promote reusability. For example, a custom directive might be created to create a tooltip or implement a custom chart.

5. How does data binding work in AngularJS? Explain the different types of data binding.

   Data binding is a powerful feature in AngularJS that facilitates the automatic synchronization of data between the model (data) and the view (user interface).

   a. One-Way Data Binding: In one-way data binding, the data flows in a single direction – from the model to the view or from the view to the model. For example, using curly braces {{}} to display data from the model in the view is an example of one-way data binding.

   b. Two-Way Data Binding: Two-way data binding allows bidirectional data flow, meaning changes in the model are automatically reflected in the view, and vice versa. The ng-model directive is commonly used for achieving two-way data binding, where changes in the input field immediately update the corresponding model property.

6. What are AngularJS filters, and how are they used to manipulate data?

   Filters in AngularJS allow developers to format and manipulate data before displaying it in the view. They are used with expressions and can be chained together to achieve complex transformations.

   For example, the currency filter is used to format numbers as currency, the date filter formats date objects, and the uppercase filter converts text to uppercase.

   The usage of filters is as follows:

   <p>{{ price | currency }}</p>

   <p>{{ date | date:'yyyy-MM-dd' }}</p>

   <p>{{ text | uppercase }}</p>

7. Discuss the concept of dependency injection in AngularJS and its benefits.

   Dependency injection is a design pattern used in AngularJS to manage the dependencies of components. Instead of a component creating its own dependencies, AngularJS injects the dependencies from external sources, making the component more modular and less coupled.

   The benefits of dependency injection include:

   a. Modular Code: By externalizing dependencies, components become independent and can be tested and developed in isolation, promoting code modularity.

   b. Reusability: Components can be easily reused in different parts of the application, reducing duplication and improving maintainability.

   c. Testability: With dependency injection, components can be tested independently by providing mock or stub objects for dependencies.

8. What are AngularJS scopes, and how do they relate to the DOM?

   Scopes in AngularJS are objects that represent the model and contain data and functions. They act as a bridge between the controller and the view, facilitating data binding and manipulation.

   Scopes form a hierarchical structure, mirroring the DOM tree. Each AngularJS application has a single root scope, and child scopes are created for each directive, controller, or ng-repeat iteration.

   When a scope property is updated, AngularJS triggers a mechanism called the "digest cycle," which propagates changes throughout the scope hierarchy and updates the view accordingly.

9. How do you handle routing in AngularJS applications?

   AngularJS provides built-in support for client-side routing through the ngRoute module. This module allows developers to define routes and corresponding views for a single-page application.

   To use ngRoute, you need to include the angular-route.js file and declare the dependency in the main module. Then, you can define routes using the `$routeProvider` service, specifying the URL, template, and controller for each route.

   For example:


   angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute'])

     .config(function($routeProvider) {


         .when('/', {

           templateUrl: 'home.html',

           controller: 'HomeController'


         .when('/about', {

           templateUrl: 'about.html',

           controller: 'AboutController'



           redirectTo: '/'



10. Explain the concept of two-way data binding in AngularJS and its advantages.

    Two-way data binding is a core feature of AngularJS that enables automatic synchronization of data between the model and the view. When data changes in the model, the corresponding view is updated, and vice versa.

    The advantages of two-way data binding include:

    a. Reduced Boilerplate Code: Developers do not need to write additional code to update the view when the model changes or vice versa. AngularJS takes care of this synchronization automatically.

    b. Real-Time Updates: With two-way data binding, changes made by the user in the view are immediately reflected in the model and vice versa, providing real-time updates to the user interface.

    c. Simplified Development: Two-way data binding simplifies the development process by abstracting away the complexities of manually updating the view and keeping it in sync with the model.

11. Discuss the different forms of validation in AngularJS and how they are implemented.

    AngularJS provides various validation techniques to ensure data integrity and consistency in forms:

    a. Built-in Form Validation: AngularJS offers built-in form validation directives like `ng-required`, `ng-pattern`, `ng-minlength`, and `ng-maxlength`. These directives allow developers to enforce specific rules on form fields, such as required fields, minimum and maximum length, and pattern matching.

    b. Custom Validation: Developers can create custom validation directives to implement specific validation rules that are not covered by built-in directives. Custom validation functions can be attached to the form elements using the `ng-model` directive and validate the input based on custom logic.

    For example, a custom directive for password matching validation might look like this:


      .directive('passwordMatch', function() {

        return {

          require: 'ngModel',

          link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {

            ctrl.$validators.passwordMatch = function(modelValue, viewValue) {

              const passwordValue = scope.$eval(attrs.passwordMatch);

              return viewValue === passwordValue;





12. How do you optimize the performance of an AngularJS application?

    Performance optimization is crucial for delivering a smooth and responsive user experience in AngularJS applications. Some tips for optimization include:

    a. Minimize Watchers: Watchers are one of the core mechanisms of data binding in AngularJS. Too many watchers can negatively impact performance. Avoid using ng-repeat with large datasets, and use one-time binding (`::`) for values that do not change.

    b. Lazy Loading: Divide your application into modules and load only the required modules on-demand. This can improve the initial loading time and reduce the overall page size.

    c. Use ng-cloak: Use the ng-cloak directive to prevent the display of AngularJS expressions before they are evaluated. This helps avoid the "flash of unstyled content" (FOUC) during page loading.

    d. Optimize Data Retrieval: Minimize the number of HTTP requests by combining resources and using caching mechanisms like HTTP caching.

    e. Enable Production Mode: In the production environment, enable AngularJS's production mode to disable debug information and reduce the framework's footprint.

13. Describe the steps involved in testing AngularJS code, and mention some testing tools.

    Testing is an essential aspect of AngularJS development to ensure that the application functions correctly and as expected. AngularJS provides support for both unit testing and end-to-end testing:

    a. Unit Testing: AngularJS applications can be unit tested using tools like Jasmine and Karma. Jasmine is a behavior-driven testing framework, and Karma is a test runner that executes tests in real browsers.

    Developers can write test cases to validate the behavior of controllers, services, and directives. Mocking and spying on dependencies can be used to isolate units for testing.

    b. End-to-End Testing: AngularJS end-to-end testing can be accomplished with tools like Protractor. Protractor simulates user interactions with the application and verifies that the application behaves correctly from the user's perspective.

    End-to-end tests can cover scenarios such as navigating through different views, filling out forms, and verifying the correctness of data displayed.

   Remember that these explanations are meant to give you a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered by each question. During interviews, feel free to add real-life examples, anecdotes, and specific details from your own experiences to make your answers more personalized and impactful. Good luck with your interviews!

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